2020 US OK DRA Membership drive will open up on Dec 1. It’s requested that current and prospective members of all stripes register by Feb 15, 2020 to aid in publishing a yearbook / directory and compliance with OKDIA administrative deadlines. Send your email, address and boat[s] you have and I’ll take care of the rest. [jfbland at me dot com] .
I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to support the US OK DRA , racing or not, boat owning or not. Your support pays the costs and the time needed to network and build the US Fleet. US OK DRA is an IRS 501.c.3 not for profit organization. Any Donations, Grants or Gifts would be greatly appreciated. I have spent countless hours generating content for this Website and the Facebook page
I believe we can be bigger than the Finn Class in the US in less than three years IF the currently interested sailors can each find two or three other sailors this year and buy boats and start racing. Google is your friend.
James Bland
USOKDRA Executive Secretary

Built my first OK Dinghy in 1966 in Seattle under the watchful eye of Axel Olsen (US 358). What a great boat, it is exciting to see the renewed interest in trying to bring it back to the US. I still have the boat, but is in dire need of a new deck and rig. There appears to be some interest in Pt. Townsend as well.
Pete –
Please help me light the fire. Send your details to jfbland at me dot com so we can communicate. Dennis Clark has contacted me too.