USOKDRA Standard Operating Procedures


Standard Operating Procedures

2019 Revision



This organization shall be known as the UNITED STATES OK DINGHY RACING ASSOCIATION.



The insignia of the Class shall be as shown on the official sail plan, a stylized OK pennant.

OK Dinghy Insignia


The Emblem of the Association shall be a silhouette of the OK Dinghy set on a background of two concentric circles carrying the name of the Association.


The object of the Association shall be to promote and develop OK Dinghy Racing under uniform rules; To serve the interests of owners in the Class by coordinating the activities of the US OK Dinghy Fleets and unattached owners;  Maintain close cooperation with other National Associations and yachting organizations.


The policy of the Association shall be to cooperate with the OK Dinghy International Association [OKDIA] in all international maters, to include  maintenance and adherence to the Class Rules, Certificates and Venue Guidelines. The United States OK Dinghy Racing Association [USOKDRA] shall maintain jurisdiction over all OK Dinghy activities in the United States of America.


The Association shall consist of Charter Fleets and their Members, and of Members who own OK Dinghies regularly kept in locations where the requirements for Charter Fleet formation cannot be fulfilled.



A Charter Fleet may be formed by five or more Unattached Members who regularly sail together at a location with proximity to all members of the proposed fleet as determined by the Board of Governors.  The Active Membership of the Fleet shall elect a Fleet Captain and such other officers as needed to maintain Fleet adherence to Class rules and support Class activities.  Each Fleet shall adhere to the Constitution, Class Rules [as Maintained by OKDIA and World Sailing] and By Laws of the Association.



A new Fleet may be granted a Charter and a Fleet number or designation upon application to the Executive Secretary.  Such application can only be made after the Fleet has been provisionally organized and the Fleet Officers elected to office.  Fleet Charter Numbers or Names shall be assigned in the order of receipt of the application.


CHARTER FEE AND CHARTER RENEWAL.  The Charter Fee shall be set by the provisions in the By-Laws. The Fee will support USOKDRA activities and Class obligations.  On receipt of the Charter Fee, the Charter shall be automatically renewed unless revoked by the Board of Governors of the Association.


REVOCATION OF A CHARTER.  A Charter may be revoked for failure to maintain good standing / collecting membership dues; falling below the minimum quota of 5 boats, or for other violations of the Constitution, By-Laws, Rules and Guidelines. Members of Fleets whose Charter has been revoked or suspended for failure to maintain the minimum number of boats required shall be considered as Unattached Members until the Fleet is reinstated.  Members of Fleets whose Charter has been revoked or suspended for other reasons shall lose all rights to participate in Association matters and shall not be allowed to compete in any race or regatta with OK Dinghies in good standing.  Prior to reinstatement of the Fleet, satisfactory proof must be submitted to the Board of Governors that the original infraction[s] has been corrected.


FLEET REPORTS.  Each Fleet shall file a report of its activities over the past year, a complete roster of its Fleet Officers and a list of its USOKDRA paid membership for the current year by February 15 of that year.



Full MEMBERSHIP in the USOKDRA shall be limited to the owners of registered and measured OK Dinghies. Active Members shall be eligible to participate in races held by the Fleet of which they are member, and other USOKDRA regattas for which they are qualified to attend.  They can hold Fleet and Association office and vote in those meetings.  Paid membership expires at the end of each year.  Dues must be paid each year to maintain membership.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP shall be available to anyone interested in the OK Dinghy that is not otherwise a boat owner.  Application for Associate Membership should be sent to the Executive Secretary with at least one Active member endorsement.  Associate members may race in all regular OK Dinghy events excluding all Championships, National or International events.  Associate member are not allowed to vote in Fleet and Association Meetings.  Associate members may hold local office other than Fleet Captain.

LIFE AND HONORARY MEMBERSHIP – A life membership can be granted by the Board of Governors for long and exceptional, or extensive meritorious membership in the USOKDRA.  Minimum age for Life Membership is 65.  Honorary Membership is reserved for persons over 65, living or deceased who have been of meritorious service to the Class Association or a surviving spouse of a Life Member.  Life and Honorary Memberships have no privileges other than the receipt of Class News and Yearbook and a social invitation to class events.  This category is meant to be an honor, not an entitlement.



MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS – Application for membership must be filed with the Executive Secretary with full dues for the level of application.

MEMBERSHIP DUES – Dues shall be fixed by the provisions of theses SOPs and guidelines and must be paid before a member can be in good standing.  If a member fails to pay their dues within the time limit prescribed, they shall lose all Association rights and their membership in the Association. They shall not be allowed to sail in any Association event where members in good standing are attending.

SUSPENSION OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP.  Suspension of individual Membership for other reasons than failure to pay dues can be carried out at Fleet level by a board consisting of the Fleet Officers and /or such other Fleet Members as may be indicated.  The suspended Member may appeal the ruling to the Board of Governors of the Association whose decision shall be final.  Suspension of Membership can be caused by gross infraction of the Rules of the Class or the Policies of the Association, or by serious breach of sportsman like conduct or civil law. A Suspension stands until or unless an appeal to the National Class Association  is entertained and reinstates the member.  Members are not entitled to an appeal once their membership is suspended.

USOKDRA Management and Committees

BOARD OF GOVERNORS. The Association shall be governed in all matters by a Board of Governors, consisting of the Commodore, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Measurer and Chairman of the Rules committee, Editor/Communications Committee chairman, the recent Past Commodore and Regional Governors.  A member of the Board serving in more than one capacity shall only get one vote.

REGIONAL GOVERNORS. The Board of Governors may divide the United States into arbitrary geographical Regions when at least five active Charter Fleets are located in each region.  The Commodore may appoint Regional Governors as required to facilitate suitable administration of the class in case there are not enough fleets to elect a representative.  The Regional officers are tasked with development, inter-fleet cooperation and competition.

Rules Committee and the Chief Measurer –  There will be a Rules Committee with a Chairman who may report to, or may be the Chief Measurer. The committee will be charged with interpreting the OKDIA Class Rules, set all National Rules and Regulations pertaining to the OK Dinghies and their Racing.  The Rules Committee shall also have authority to reword and clarify the Standard Operating Procedures, but any changes, which are not interpretations, shall be approved by the Board of Governors.

REMOVAL FROM OFFICE. In the cases where Officers of this Association [any position of elected leadership] have been proven to be grossly remiss in the execution of their duties, committed a gross breach of sportsmanship or integrity or participated in criminal behavior, they may be removed from office by the Executive Secretary with the concurrence of the Commodore or at least one other members of the Board of Governors.  See By Laws.


An OK Dinghy must be sailed by its owner.  The owner of an OK Dinghy may charter his boat to another paid member of the Association and the results must be attributed to the chartering helmsman. The USOKDRA will not disburse funds for grants or other stipends to members of the class.  Sail Makers, Boat Builders and other professional trades or mariners must join the association as either Active members or Unattached Members to participate in Association activities.


Proposed Amendments to all Standard Operating Procedures must be sponsored by an Officer of the Association and submitted through the Executive Secretary.  Such proposals must be filed by 1 August of any year for consideration by the Rules Committee and Board of Governors during that year.

All Standard Operating Procedures can be amended by the signed petition of at least two-thirds of the total Active Membership unless they restate a portion of the By Laws. Such amendments will be effective upon verification by the Board of Governors and representatives of the proposing group.


Examples of Plans

Racing Standard Operating Procedures

2019 Revision

Racing Season

The official Racing Season of the Association shall extend for the full twelve months of the calendar year, starting on January 1 and terminating December 31 of any given year.

Dues and Fees

Annual Dues will be levied to cover the class expenses and any obligations to the OKDIA [International Class Association] –  See Guidelines for amounts, set by Executive Secretary.

Full Membership – See guidelines

Associate Membership – See guidelines

Fleet Charter Fees – The Charter fee for a Fleet, good for a term of 50 years, is paid upon application.

Registration Fees.   Upon receipt of the Registration application and fee, the Executive Secretary shall assign a Registration Number [Racing Number] to the applicant for his boat.  Such numbers cannot be withdrawn or reassigned to another boat.  Sail number #1 is reserved by USOKDRA for Temporary and Honorary use.    Numbers 2-1000 are reserved for Personal Sail Numbers, except where boats were originally assigned the racing number [circa 1959 – 2018]

Racing Number / Permanent Number – [Numbers 1010 forward in sequential order]

Personal Sail Number – Members may buy as many personal numbers as they like, but cannot resell or otherwise profit from their use of the number.  Example, 3, 33, 333 might be purchased as a set @ $50/number.  Numbers may be paid for in multiple years.  If not renewed by Feb 15thof each year the PSN must be relinquished and can be sold to a new owner.

From the OKDIA Class Rules:


  1. 10.1  Sail numbers shall be issued by the certification authority on receipt of evidence that the Building Plaque Fee has been paid.
  2. 10.2  Sail numbers shall be issued in consecutive order starting at “1”.
  3. 10.3  In countries where consecutive numbering has not been applied, they shall start from a number approved by the OKDIA.
  4. 10.4  Personal sail numbers (PSN) may be issued by the NCA [USOKDRA] of the sailors’ MNA [US Sailing] . Personal sail numbers are additional to the sail numbers issued to all boats. If the use of a personal sail number is likely to cause confusion, a race committee may require that a boat use the sail number issued to that boator another agreed number. The NCA shall issue official OKDIA PSN certificates.


RE-REGISTRATION FEES. When an OK Dinghy changes hands it must be registered by the new owner by submitting a registration application and fee using the boat’s current registration number. The current Racing number transferred with the boat.  Personal Sail numbers do not transfer automatically.  The previous owner shall assist in check measuring the boat to provide a class legal boat to the new owner. [Transfer certificate TBD]

MEASUREMENT FEES. There are no measurement fees payable to USOKDRA.   The Class Measurer may be compensated for Travel and Expenses if required.


Boats may be measured by their owners under the guidance and consultation with the Class Measurer. The integrity of the process and the owner is crucial and is best done in pairs of people.  A provisional Certificate of Measurement may be issued by the Rules Committee through the Executive Secretary.  Such a certificate shall be subject to ratification by an approved Measurer or the Class Measurer who may recommend the issue of a full Certificate of Measurement.  A provisional Certificate will not be recognized in a National Championship.


  1. 11.1  No boat shall take part in racing unless it has a valid measurement certificate in the owner’s name. The measurement certificate is only valid if the owner is a current member of a National Class Assoc. or, if there is no NCA in their nation, a member of the OKDIA.
  2. 11.2  A certificate shall record the following information: (a) Class.                                                                                                                    (b) Certification authority.
    (c) Sail number issued by the certification authority. (d) World Sailing Building Plaque number.
    (e) Owner.
    (f) Craft identification number (CIN) where appropriate. (g) Builder/Manufacturers details.
    (h) Date of issue of initial certificate.
    (i) Name of the original measurer.
    (j) Date of issue of current certificate.                                                                 (k) Total weight of the hull as measured in C.6.1.
    (l) Total weight of corrector weights.
    (m) Number and position of correctors weights and their weight as per C.6.2. (n) Signature of owner.



ELIGIBILITY.  ANY OK Dinghy participating in races scheduled for registered OK Dinghies must possess a valid Certificate of Measurement or Provisional Certificate of Measurement [RRS 78]., and the helmsman must be an Association [USOKDRA] or OKDIA Member in good standing, or the boat and helmsman face automatic disqualification.

RACING NUMBERS. During all races, the Registration Number assigned to the boat or Personal  Sail Number assigned to the helmsman must be displayed on the sail and no other numbers shall be displayed.  The penalty is disqualification from the regatta.

RACING RULES.  All racing will be conducted in strict adherence to the OKDIA Class Rules, World Sailing and US Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing.


US OK Dinghy Association Code of Conduct

I will play the game / sail with a spirit of good sportsmanship and greet other competitors with “Good Sailing” before and after racing.

I will conduct myself in an honorable manner with integrity both on and off the water.  I will not team sail, hunt a competitor or cheat to gain an unfair advantage.   I will not tolerate another sailor who lies, cheats or steals.

I will never knowingly break a rule, but if I do, I will divulge the breach and accept the penalty.

I will take no action that could be interpreted as an attempt to intimidate, demean, bully, harass, or harm my opponents, teammates or umpires.  If another sailor is in danger I will stop to assist.

I will interpret the rules in an impartial manner, always keeping in mind that the purpose of the rules is to ensure that the game is played in an orderly and fair manner, creating a level playing field for all.

I will humbly accept any penalty that the governing body at any level deems appropriate,



US OK Dinghy Racing Association  –

Class Guidelines

2019 Revision

Certain operational activities and procedures are required for the smooth operation of the class but do not rise to the level of a 2/3 vote, or are so fundamental that they are provided here without discussion and controlled by the Executive Secretary.


-Robin Murray Coutts is named Commodore of USOKDRA for Life or until such time as he resigns or is dismissed for cause by the Executive Secretary.

-James Frederick Bland is named Executive Secretary for Life and will oversee the affairs of USOKDRA until such time as he resigns or is dismissed for cause by unanimous concurrence of the remaining officers.

This [Executive Secretary] compensation, if provided, will never exceed 10% of USOKDRA revenues.  Due to the anticipated class revenues [< $50,000/year] , this is considered an honorarium as opposed to a salary for for work in kind.

Dues and Fees – Set by Executive Secretary

Annual Dues will be levied to cover the class expenses and any obligations to the OKDIA [International Class Association] –

Active Membership / Unattached Membership – $75

Associate Membership – $50

Fleet Dues – Fleets may levy dues to support local activities.

Fleet Charter Fees – The Charter fee for a Fleet, good for a term of 50 years, is $500, paid upon application.

US Sailing is $200 for Association membership.

Registration Fees. The registration Fee for new boats is $50.00 .

Upon receipt of the Registration application and fee, the Executive Secretary shall assign a Registration Number [Racing Number] to the applicant for his boat.  Such numbers cannot be withdrawn or reassigned to another boat.  Sail number #1 is reserved by USOKDRA for Temporary and Honorary use.    Numbers 2-1000 are reserved for Personal Sail Numbers.

Racing Number / Permanent Number –  $50.00 [Numbers 1010 forward in sequential order]

Personal Sail Number – $50 per year, limited to Numbers 2-1000. Sail number USA 9 is reserved in perpetuity for Robin Coutts.  Sail number USA 8 is reserved in perpetuity for James Frederick Bland.   Members may buy as many personal numbers as they like, but cannot resell or otherwise profit from their use of the number. Example, 3, 33, 333 might be purchased as a set@ $50/number.  Numbers may be paid for in multiple years.  If not renewed by Feb 15thof each year the PSN must be relinquished and can be sold to a new owner.

CHAMPIONSHIP RACES. Championship Races shall consist of at least five total races and no more than nine total races.  There can be no more than three races per day and two quality races are preferred.  3 races will be the minimum to establish the champion.  The Championship will be left incomplete if the minimum is not achieved.  Minimum wind speed is 5 knots and a race should be abandoned if the wind shifts more than 30 degrees.   Maximum wind speed is 25kts, with discretion granted to the PRO for local conditions and safety reasons.  Championship Races above Fleet level must be scheduled with and sanctioned by the Rules Committee through the Executive Secretary.  The OKDIA Venue Guide will be consulted as a guiding document for the conduct of Championship racing.

HONOR AWARD  A Chevron may be awarded to a Champion Boat in the colors specified below.  The Chevron shall be placed immediately below the lowest sail number closest to the leech with the point up, nominally 203 mm [8 inches] width ,100˚ interior angle, 1 inch stripe width.   No sail shall display more than one chevron, that denoting the highest award.  The colors of the awards are as follows:

GOLD = World Champion

Blue = Continental Champion

Red = National Champion

Green = District Championship

Black = Fleet Championship

PERSONAL FLOATATION DEVICES, BUOYANCY AIDES– approved devices must be worn by the helmsman at all times [except to change or adjust clothing] while competing in sanctioned OK Dinghy Events.

HULL NUMBERS – The OK Dinghy Class insignia and the boat’s permanent racing numbers are to be displayed on the side of the OK dinghy near the transom approximately 50mm under the rub rail or gunnel.  The numbers and class insignia should be proportional block style, approximately 100 mm tall in a contrasting color to the hull  [Insignia should be 100 x 150mm displayed closest to the bow, pointing forward on both sides].  The boat’s given name may be displayed on both sides of the OK, amidships.

US OK Dinghy Racing Association

Membership Application Form / Registration / Change of Ownership


Please complete the form below and return to USOKDRA Executive Secretary:


Name: …………………………………………………………………..  Previous Owner…………………………………………


Boat Number: ISAF#…………….. Original  …………….  Current / Previous sail number……………………


Sailing Club / Fleet :………………………….. Transfer Measurement Complete [y/n] Initial ……………..






E-mail address:………………………………………………………


Telephone: …………………… Mobile:  ……………………………………..


Age / Birthday [Year] [Age group classification]  …………… Boat Age/Country of Origin …………….


Membership fees are:                                                           ………………                                                ………………………


Active Membership / Unattached Membership [Boat Owner] – $75


Associate Membership [Non Boat Owner] – $50


Registration Fees.  The registration Fee for new boats or change in ownership is $50.00.


Personal Sail Number [each year] – $50


Fleet Charter Fees – The Charter fee for a Fleet, good for a term of 50 years, is $500, paid upon Fleet Charter application.


A valid application will receive an invoice from the Executive Secretary.  After payment is received [Paypal] , A current year boat sticker [OKDIA] and membership letter or card will be sent as confirmation of payment of the subscription. [Registration, Change of ownership, Annual Membership ]


Return to:

James Bland, USOKDRA Executive Secretary,  4612 Finley Drive, Austin,

Texas 78731-5921 USA  Or Email to: ,


US OK Dinghy Racing Association

Major Championship Event Guidelines

(2018 v.1)


Section A – Major Championship Rules

Section B- Rules for the Organizing Authority

Section C – Championship Guidelines

Section D – Selection of event venue

Section E – Equipment Inspection

Section F – Media requirements

Section G – Bidding procedure

Section H – Organizing Authority Declaration

Sections A and E shall form part of the Rules of the championship and be

included in the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions.

Section B, C and F are intended as Guidelines for the Organising Authority and

should be followed as closely as possible, with agreement from OKDIA.

Section D, G and H are intended for bidding clubs.




The following Rules shall apply to all OK Dinghy Major Championships without


  1. Organization

1.1 The course of OK Dinghy major championships shall be exclusive and separate.

1.2 The official language of the regatta shall be English. All documents shall be

produced in English.

1.3 Final decisions on any matters not covered by the RRS or the International Jury

shall rest with OKDIA.

1.4 These rules shall not be changed or modified except with the written permission of


1.5 These rules shall apply to the World and European Championships. They may also

be used for other continental championships at the discretion of the Organizing



  1. Eligibility and entry

2.1 The Class Secretary will invite Member Associations to send their applications for

entries at least six months before the event is held.

2.2 Subject to the following clauses, the number of boats taking part in a World

Championship shall not exceed 80 and the 80-place allocation will reflect the

proportion of Full Members in each of the National Associations.

2.3 Extra to the 80 places, the current and all previous World Champions, the current

Committee and officers of OKDIA may participate in the World Championship.

2.4 Entry may be made open, or the quota increased, with the agreement of both the

Organizing Authority and OKDIA.

2.5 For a limited entry event, the OKDIA committee will determine the number of boats

that may be entered by National Associations for World and European


2.6 Applications for places will be determined in relation to the number of registered

boats whose owners are members of their respective National Association.

2.8 Entries shall only be made through National Associations that are full members of


2.9 OKDIA may accept entries from other countries on application.


  1. Documents

3.1 The Organizing Authority shall use the official OKDIA templates for the Notice of

Race, Sailing Instructions and Entry Form, unless prior approval is given by OKDIA.



  1. Notice Of Race (NoR) and Entry Forms

4.1 The Notice of Race shall be approved by OKDIA before publishing.

4.2 The Organizing Authority shall publish the official Notice of Race and Entry Forms in

the English language at least six months prior to the event.

4.3 The entry fee shall be agreed with OKDIA and shall include the cost of the prize giving

dinner and the Sailor’s Levy (see Rule B1.2).

4.4 National Prescriptions to the Racing Rules shall not apply to OKDIA World



  1. Sailing Instructions (SI)

5.1 The Sailing Instructions shall be approved by OKDIA no later than 2 months prior to

the event.

5.2 The Organising Authority shall publish the Sailing Instructions in accordance with

the provisions of current RRS, World Sailing Race Standards, OKDIA Class Rules

and the OKDIA Major Championship Event Manual.

5.3 Preliminary Sailing Instructions shall be published on the event website at least one

month before the first race. The final version will be produced at registration.


  1. International Jury

6.1 There shall be an International Jury in accordance with RRS Appendix N. It shall

include at least five members (2 from the organising country and 3 from other

countries) who have proven experience in on the water judging of RRS 42

(Propulsion). At least two shall have practical OK Dinghy racing experience. If racing

is held in more than one fleet, there shall be a minimum of 6 Jury. A majority shall

be IJ.

6.2 The Jury Chairman shall not be of the same Nationality as the organising country.

6.3 One national judge may be appointed through the EUROSAF exchange scheme. As

long as Appendix N is applied. One national judge from the host country may also

be appointed.

6.4 Organising Authority in consultation with OKDIA shall select the constitution of the

Jury. Notwithstanding this, OKDIA retains the undisputed right to select up to three

Jury members. The jury shall be approved by OKDIA at least 6 months prior to the


6.5 Organisers of European and continental Championships shall consult with OKDIA

over whether an International Jury is required.

6.6 Appendix T shall not be used unless approval is given by the OKDIA.



  1. Format

7.1 The fleet shall sail in one group unless entry is open and the entry numbers exceed

  1. However, the final decision shall be taken by OKDIA in conjunction with the

Organizing Authority.

7.2 The format shall be announced in the Sailing Instructions. It will depend on the

expected number of entries and what is realistic on the sailing water.

7.3 No more than two races shall be scheduled on a single day, unless there is a

danger that a series (5 races) may not be completed. The final decision shall be left

to the discretion of the race officer in consultation with the OKDIA representative.

7.4 Under exceptional circumstances the race committee has the option to reduce the

length of the windward leg and increase the number of rounds where the course

area requires it, and only after the approval of the OKDIA committee.

7.5 An Offset Mark (about ten boat lengths from Mark 1) and a Leeward Gate

(separation about 10 boat lengths) as shown on the course diagram in Rule 10 is

recommended. If included in the Sailing Instructions, it will apply for the entire


7.6 Only competitors under the age of 21 on the date of the first race of the

championship will be eligible for the Junior Trophy.

7.7 Only competitors over the age of 40 on the date of the first race of the

championship will be eligible for the Veteran’s Trophy.

7.8 Only competitors over the age of 55 on the date of the first race of the

championship will be eligible for the Master’s Trophy.

7.9 Where the fleet is sailed in two or more groups, Rule 9 (Courses) may be modified

by the Organizing Authority in conjunction with OKDIA

7.10 The method of identification of the boats in the different groups will be defined in

the Sailing Instructions.


  1. Scoring

The series shall be scored as provided in Appendix A of the Racing Rules of Sailing

using the Low Point System. Ten races are scheduled, of which 5 races shall be

completed to constitute a Series.


  1. Courses

In the USA Windward / Leeward courses will be sailed for all conditions less than 20 kts of wind. [Triangle, Olympic, Gold  courses provide too much advantage to the leader at the first mark.]


9.1 For limited entry events, the course shall be a triangle, a windward/leeward and a

beat with angles of 45°, 90° and 45°, start and finish about 200 metres from the

marks. The length of the course shall be such that the race takes approximately 70

minutes for the leading boat to complete the course. The course is not to be


9.2 Time limits: for course as described in 9.1

Start – Mark 1 – Mark 2 = 40 minutes

Start – Mark 1 – mark 2 – mark 3 – mark 1 = 1 hour 20 minutes

Start – finish = 2 hours

9.3 If there are two starting groups the courses shall be discussed with OKDIA but in

general shall be trapezoid with an upwind finish. The configuration will be described

in the Sailing Instructions.

9.4 Any boat which has not finished within 20 minutes of the leading boat shall be

scored DNF.


Windward-Leeward-Triangle Course



  1. Advertising

10.1 The Organizing Authority may require all participating boats to display the event

sponsor’s advertising in accordance with RRS 80 & Regulation 20.


  1. Insurance, National Association Dues

11.1 All eligible Competitors shall be members of a National OK Dinghy Association for

the year of the Championship.


  1. Race officer (RO)

12.1 The RO should be a World Sailing qualified International Race Officer (IRO) and his appointment shall be subject to the approval of OKDIA.

  1. Minimum/maximum wind strength

13.1 Racing shall not be started when the wind strength, measured at not more than 3

metres above sea level, is predominantly less than 2m/s [4kts] or exceeds 13 m/s [25kts].

13.2 Racing shall be abandoned if the wind drops below 2 m/s [4kts] for more than 5 minutes.

13.3 The decision to start or abandon racing will be at the discretion of the race



  1. Declarations

16.1 Each competitor shall be required to sign a form to confirm the following items with

a positive opt-in on each:

  1. A liability clause as per RRS 4.
  2. That they have understood and will abide by RRS 3.
  3. That they have understood and will abide by the risk statement as written

into the Notice of Race

  1. That the boat has a valid measurement certificate and the boat meets the

OKDIA Class Rules

  1. That the competitor has a third party insurance to an amount of at least the

amount stated in the Notice of Race.

  1. That they are a member of an OKDIA NCA.
  2. That they will grant the Organzing Authority, NCA, OKDIA and any party to

which they may delegate this right, without payment the right in perpetuity

to make, use and show (including via the internet), any motion pictures, still

pictures, live, taped or filmed television, or any other form of media, of or

relating to the event.


Miscellaneous Guidelines


CHAMPIONSHIP RACES. Championship Races shall consist of at least five races and no more than nine  races.  There can be no more than three races per day and two quality races are preferred.  Minimum wind speed is 5 knots and a race must be abandoned if the wind shifts more than 30 degrees.   Maximum wind speed is 25kts, with discretion granted to the PRO for safety reasons.  Championship Races above Fleet level must be scheduled with and sanctioned by the Rules Committee through the Executive Secretary.  The OKDIA venue guide will be consulted as a guiding document for the conduct of Championship racing.


HONOR AWARD  A Chevron may be awarded to a Champion Boat in the colors specified below.  The Chevron shall be placed immediately below the lowest sail number closest to the leech with the point up, nominally 203 mm [8 inches] width ,100˚ interior angle, 1 inch stripe width.   No sail shall display more than one chevron, that denoting the highest award.  The colors of the awards are as follows:

GOLD = World Champion

Blue = Continental Champion

Red = National Champion

Green = District Championship

Black = Fleet Championship



HULL NUMBERS  The OK Dinghy Class insignia and the boat’s permanent racing numbers are to be displayed on the side of the OK dinghy near the transom approximately 50mm under the rubrail or gunnel.  The numbers and class insignia should be proportional block style, approximately 100 mm tall in a contrasting color to the hull [Insignia should be 100 x 150mm displayed closest to the transom on both sides].  The boat’s given name may be displayed on both sides of the OK, amidships.


PERSONAL FLOATATION DEVICES, BUOYANCY AIDES– approved devices must be worn by the helmsman at all times while competing in sanctioned OK Dinghy Events







The Organizing Authority shall abide by these rules unless varied in writing by OKDIA


  1. Organization of the championship

1.1 The Organizing Authority (OA) will organize and manage the Championship in close

conjunction with OKDIA. The OA is financially responsible for the whole event.

1.2 The organizing National Class Association (or Organizing Authority) of the World,

European or Inter-Dominion Championship shall pay to OKDIA a Sailors Levy for

each competitor, which shall be included in the entry fee. The amount of the levy

shall be fixed by the AGM and may be changed from time to time. (2017: Worlds

GBP 25; Europeans and Inter-Dominions GBP 10).

1.3 Payment of the Sailors Levy is due on the final day of the championship and must

be paid within 30 days of the final day of the championship.

1.4 The OA should inform, consult and liaise with OKDIA at all times in matters

pertaining to venue, organization and racing before announcing details.

1.5 OKDIA may, at its discretion, place an advisor to the race committee, or

representative, on the main committee vessel.

1.6 The Organizing Authority (OA) will appoint one person who will be the primary

contact between OKDIA and the OA. The OA will acquire, and take full

responsibility for establishing and maintaining all the relevant permissions and

licenses required to run the event. This will include liaison with authorities such as

the Police, Military, environmental organizations, local and port authorities,

community, health and safety, etc


  1. Race office

2.1 Starting from the first measurement day the Race Office should be open daily from

8.30 am until 5 pm.

2.2 Preliminary race results should be available as soon as possible after each day’s

racing and posted onto the Official Notice Board.

2.3 The Official Notice Board shall be in, or close to, the Race Office.

2.4 Results and other information on the notice board must be published online within a

short time of being published on the notice board, ideally at the same time.


3 Skippers Meeting

3.1 A briefing meeting for the sailors shall be held before the start of the practice race,

or the first race if no practice race is scheduled. The Race Committee and the

International Jury will be introduced to competitors. The Race Officer shall be


  1. Windward mark boat

Wherever possible there should be a mark boat at the windward mark displaying a

clearly visible shape or flag, ideally on a high mast, in such a manner as to assist

identification of the windward mark. This is particularly important in poor visibility.


  1. Accommodation and transport for officials

5.1 The OA shall pay for travel, accommodation and meals for the Equipment Inspector

and the Jury.

5.2 OKDIA shall be provided with a secure and exclusive room for the duration of the



  1. Safety

6.1 There shall be sufficient safety boats in order to secure the competitors safety.

There shall be at least 1 patrol boat for 20 competitors. This shall not include

starting and finishing vessels, but can include coach boats. Each designated patrol

boat shall have 2 able-bodied people on board, of which 1 shall be able to jump

into the water for assistance, when necessary.

6.2 The Organizing Authority should demonstrate it has an adequate safety plan in


6.3 There shall be 24 hours a day security on any event organized boat parks and

campsites, to continue until 12.00 on the day after the last official day of racing

during the Championship

6.4 The OA will organize medical assistance and will have contact with a medical


6.5 When sailing at sea or on a wide lake a sign out / sign in system is recommended

for each racing day. This will be included in the Sailing Instructions, together with

the penalty for not having signed in or out. This will normally be a nominal monetary

penalty payable to a local charity.

6.6 In poor visibility a lead boat should be provided.


  1. Prizes

7.1 The OA will provide prizes (e.g. cups) for at least the top 10 (or 10%, whichever is

higher) sailors in the Overall Results and for the top three sailors in each age

category. It is normal to provide a small gift or memento for every competitor.

7.2 OKDIA will supply medals for the top three competitors and top three juniors, and

OKDIA ties for the top 10, the top junior and top veteran.

7.3 The prize giving ceremony should be held as soon as possible after the end of the

last race.



  1. Budget

8.1 No later than one month after the regatta, the OA shall provide to OKDIA a

complete budget and financial breakdown of the event.


  1. Start line

9.1 The start line shall be equivalent to 1.5 times the length of the OK Dinghy times the

number of starting boats. In addition to the Committee Boat there shall be a pin end

boat that shall repeat noontime critical flag and sound signals made by the

Committee Boat

9.2 It is recommended that both ends of the line shall be boats with high masts

showing line flags.


  1. Starting signals

10.1 If possible, non-time critical flag signals should be repeated on all starting line


10.2 Audible signals will be given, when possible, by a gun.

10.3 The Starting vessel should display the approximate magnetic compass bearing

from the leeward mark to the windward mark in clear, large numbers.

10.4 The Committee Boat shall ensure that it is able to post all boats numbers that have

been black-flagged in a manner that is legible from a reasonable distance.

10.5 The Class Flag shall be the OKDIA flag, supplied by OKDIA.




The OA shall work with OKDIA to meet as many of these guidelines as possible.


  1. Dates

1.1 Dates for championships shall be suggested in the bid and agreed with OKDIA.

1.2 The OK Dinghy Worlds are usually in the last week of July or the first week in

August (Friday to Friday) with, if possible, the Nationals (3 days) preceding the

Worlds in the Northern hemisphere. A similar format in the Southern Hemisphere

but held during the months of November – March.

1.3 In years when the World Championship is in the Southern Hemisphere, there should

be a five-day European championship at a similar time of year to 1.2. In other years,

if a European Championship is arranged, there should be a 3-4 day championship,

normally combined with an existing event to reduce costs and organization.


  1. AGM

2.1 The OKDIA Annual General Meeting shall be held during the World Championship.

The date and location shall be decided at least two months prior to the regatta.

Facilities required include two tables for committee, about 30-50 chairs, and

microphone if the room is large.


  1. Other facilities

3.1 The following facilities should be available:

  • Free parking for at least 100 cars.
  • Campsites with special rates, including sanitary facilities and electric power

supply. These sites must be in walking or biking distance.

  • Communication services, including adequate Wi-Fi, for competitors and press.
  • Fresh water in the dinghy park
  • Launching facilities sufficient to launch the fleet in due time.
  • Emergency medical facilities.
  • Security in camping sites and boat park.

3.2 The OA must ensure that, if appropriate, road signs are in place to guide motorists

to the venue from the main arterial routes. Accommodation must be available on or

very close to the venue. Every effort should be made for accommodation to be

within walking or biking distance from the boat park.


  1. Opening and Closing Ceremonies

4.1 The opening ceremony should include short speeches from the OA’s President, the

OKDIA President and local officials (i.e. the Mayor of the hosting city) as a welcome

to the sailors. This should be followed by a snack buffet and drinks for all

competitors and their escorts. Speeches will be as much as possible in the English


The prize-giving will immediately be followed by a closing ceremony, and

championship dinner/buffet for competitors.

4.2 The OA will provide locals gifts for the Measurer and the members of the Jury.


  1. Arrival and departure

5.1 The OA should be prepared to receive competitors from three days before the start

of the event.

5.2 The OA should be prepared for a staggered departure of competitors after the



  1. Results

6.1 Four result lists should be printed for use in the prize giving ceremony:

  1. a) Overall results
  2. b) Results for Juniors
  3. c) Results for Masters
  4. d) Results for Veterans


  1. Miscellaneous

7.1 The OA will provide each competitor with an event t-shirt or polo shirt.

7.2 During the week (preferably mid-event) there will be a sailor’s party evening with a

dinner. This dinner will be free of charge for the competitors. Wives or others

accompanying will pay at the information desk on arrival and will receive a ticket.

7.3 Other after race parties and social events, e.g. beer and snacks, free or at low cost

may be organized at the discretion of the OA.


  1. Data protection

8.1 At no time may the contact information for competitors be passed to a third party

for their use. This would be a breach of data protection.

8.2 Data collection and processing must be GDPR compliant.






The following shall be considered when choosing a venue for an OK Dinghy Major



  1. Location

1.1 All OK Dinghy major championships shall be sailed on waters that have a record of

stable wind directions and good breezes; variable and very light airs venues shall

be avoided.

1.2 Championships shall be sailed on open water within a one-hour sail from the

launching area. They should generally not be held in water that experiences strong

tidal current that varies across the course area.

1.4 The date and place shall be published on no later than 12 months

prior to the event. The World and European Championships will take place at a

venue to be decided upon by the AGM of OKDIA, or

1.5 If, within two years of the expected date of the championship, there are no

proposals to run a major championship or the AGM cannot agree on a venue, the

OKDIA Executive Committee reserve the right to select the venue.

1.6 When choosing a venue, organizers shall make every effort to locate it near to a

major container port and ideally an international airport (particularly important for a

World Championship).

1.7 If the venue is at some distance from a container port, then the organizers shall

offer some form of logistical support in transporting boats/containers from the port

to the venue. Organizers shall make every effort to ensure that transport expenses

of boats/containers is kept to a minimum and shall recommend shipping lines,

shipping agents and haulers which offer the most economical or subsided rates

1.8 The host club should have space for storage of shipping containers and a large

measurement tent or shed and ideally space for camper vans and tents.






  1. Overview

1.1 The Organizing Authority for all OKDIA major championships shall make

provisions for inspection of equipment.

1.2 The Organizing Authority for all OKDIA major championships shall whenever

possible obtain the services of a OKDIA International Measurer to act as event

equipment inspector. In the absence of an available IM the event equipment

inspector shall be an OKDIA official measurer.

1.3 OKDIA, in conjunction with the OKDIA Chief Measurer where possible, shall liaise

with the designated equipment inspector to define the measurement procedure for

the event and the items to be measured.

1.4 At least four months prior to the regatta the designated equipment inspector shall

be informed of the measurement location, the space available, the equipment

available and the number of local people to assist.

1.5 The Organising Authority shall liaise with OKDIA regarding the production of event

equipment limitation labels.

1.6 The OKDIA Chief Measurer, if present, shall have the final say on decisions.


  1. Technical Committee

2.1 A Technical Committee (TC) will be established in accordance with RRS 89.2.c.

The TC shall consist of the event equipment inspector and at least one official

measurer (local if possible).

2.2 The Technical Committee shall execute spot checks on the class rules during the

Championship on boats selected at random. These spot checks will be executed

directly after the race. For this purpose, a separate inspection boat shall be

available. The details shall be in the SI.


  1. Equipment Inspection

3.1 Boats will be measured in accordance with the Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS),

the current Class Rules and any amendments thereto.

3.2 All competing boats shall present a valid Measurement Certificate.

3.3 Organizers are recommended to use the OKDIA standard equipment inspection

form which can be adapted if necessary.

3.4 Competitors may present the following for inspection. 1 hull, 2 masts, 2 sails, 2

booms, 2 centreboards and 2 rudders.

3.5 The equipment inspector may check any measurements within the class rules at

any time during the event.

3.6 Equipment inspection (as defined in 1.3) may comprise of the checking of all or

some selected equipment and may comprise some level of self-checking.





  1. Website

1.1 The main event website will be either or

1.2 The OA shall manage the event website in conjunction with OKDIA.

1.3 Entries will be made through the event website and be open by six months prior to

the event.

1.4 The event website should be up and running no later than nine months before the



  1. Media coverage

2.1 Whenever possible OKDIA will provide the press coverage of the event with daily

reports, photos and video footage, published during and after the event on the

OKDIA Class website, electronic newsletters and social media feeds.

2.2 In return the OA shall supply travel, accommodation and subsistence to the press

officer, who shall be nominated by OKDIA.

2.3 The organisers may be asked to provide additional on-the-water photographs

through a local photographer and to provide coverage of the event in local and

national media.

2.4 The OA shall provide a suitable secure media room (can be combined with the

OKDIA office) with fast Wi-Fi.


  1. Results

3.1 Results should be available as soon as possible after racing, and ideally as soon as

the fleet has reached the shore.

3.1 Results shall be provided in text, Excel or html format. (Not PDF.)






  1. Nominations for a venue

1.1 Nominations for a venue shall be sent to the OKDIA Secretary at least 12 weeks

before the AGM at which it will be presented.

1.2 New venues may be visited by a representative of OKDIA as soon as possible.

1.3 After OKDIA has approved the venue and an agreement has been made on the

Event Manual, an invitation to present the venue at the next AGM will follow.

1.4 During the AGM a maximum of four potential candidate venues are invited to make

a maximum of a 5-minute presentation.

1.5 All bids must be accompanied by a completed and signed declaration form (Part

H), and accompanying papers, including a proposed budget, and must be with the

OKDIA Secretary one month before the AGM.


  1. Voting procedure

2.1 After the presentation(s) the members present will take a vote.

2.2 This decision shall be by a majority show of hands. If all venues get less than 50%

of the vote, the venue with the lowest vote will be removed and the vote re-held.

This process will be repeated until there are only two venues left, if appropriate.

2.3 The decision will be ratified by the minutes of the AGM and by the OKDIA Secretary

who will confirm the result of the vote in an email to the OA.

  1. Venue visits

3.1 If requested by OKDIA, a representative of OKDIA should be invited for a short site

visit, either between placing the application and the AGM where it is voted on, or

after the venue has been selected.

3.2 OKDIA will pay for travel and expenses up to the point of arrival. The bidding

country will pay for accommodation, meals and internal travel.

3.3 Venues that have successfully held previous OK Dinghy championships may not be



  1. Documentation

4.1 At least one month before the AGM where the venue will be voted on, the OKDIA

Secretary shall be sent the following:

  • Signed declaration in Part H.
  • A proposed budget for the event
  • Brief details on prevailing weather and sea conditions at the time of year
  • A letter of approval from the host club’s MNA to hold a world championship

4.2 Bidding clubs should bring, or send, documentation to hand out/display at the

AGM where the vote will be taken.


  1. Presentations at an AGM

5.1 Bidding clubs are welcome to provide information in advance of the AGM for

distribution to members and publication on

5.2 Any presentation made at the AGM shall be no more than 5 minutes duration and

shall be limited to the main points: location, expected conditions, accommodation,

funding, experience etc. All other information shall be provided in advance for

distribution and publication.



SECTION H – Organizing Authority Declaration




On behalf of the Organizing Authority (OA), the below signed agrees to comply with all

the requirements laid out in the OK Dinghy Major Championship Event Manual Sections

A and E, and to endeavor to comply with all matters pertaining to the organization and

running of the OK Dinghy major championship.


A representative of the Organizing Authority shall sign below to verify that he accepts

and will abide by these Rules.


I _________________________________of ________________________________

[name] (name of Organizing Authority/Yacht Club)



  • To comply with all points in the OK Dinghy Major Championship Event Manual Sections A and E
  • To endeavor to comply with the guidelines as described in the Manual
  • To discuss any deviation from these guidelines with OKDIA and obtain approval before

acting on them.

  • To pay the Sailor’s Levy (see Rule B1.2) into the OKDIA account no later than four

weeks following the final race of the Championship

  • Approval for any deviations of these rules and guidelines should be sought from either

the OKDIA Secretary or President.

On behalf of the Organizing Authority



________________________ ____________________________ _____

[signature] [print name] [date]

On behalf of OKDIA




________________________ ____________________________ _____

[signature] [print name] [date]